W&W Wardrobe - Donna Garrod

W&W Wardrobe - Donna Garrod


This month we're thrilled to introduce you to another of our favourite W&W ladies.

Donna Garrod aka donna_corrina, one time fast fashion shopper turned charity shop/vintage lover, now living a simple life in North Norfolk.


Hello Donna!

Tell us what you do?

I’m an Executive Assistant working for the World’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. We have offices in more than 130 countries, including a UK Head Office opposite the Tower of London, but I work in glamorous Norwich!

Describe your personal style?

I’m not sure I could ever describe myself as having one particular style as how I want to dress changes on a daily basis. Ultimately I’m probably happiest with something I can sling on with minimal fuss but still makes me look like I’ve made an effort!


Who is your biggest Inspiration?

Anyone who has creative flair - through Instagram I’ve discovered women who can either expertly make their own clothes (e.g. sarahchuck) or just have a unique cool style (e.g. rebelragsvintage). I just need to turn that inspiration into reality though as last year I bought my own sewing machine but currently it’s sitting there collecting dust!

How often do you shop?

Probably every couple of weeks – those charity shops are too tempting!

What has been your biggest fashion faux pas?

The one that haunts me the most is from circ. 1990 when I recall going to a club in cycling shorts, a cream chiffon blouse and black chunky shoes. I thought I looked fabulous at the time (and I did actually bag myself a new boyfriend that night!) but thinking about it now makes me cringe!

What's the one piece you always buy every single season?

Jeans! Wide leg, straight, skinny, barrel leg, mom jeans – I have them all! My latest purchase was a vintage pair of Lee jeans from the 1990’s.

What’s the item you are guaranteed to wear at least once a week?

Aside from jeans, definitely a blazer. Luckily the pre covid corporate dress code hasn't been enforced again at my workplace, so when I'm working in the office I've adopted my own uniform of jeans and a blazer paired with a Breton or a vintage blouse.



Jumper or Jacket?

Jacket or blazer. Realistically though, probably both as I feel the cold! I also have some really lovely vintage jumpers from the 80's in my wardrobe.

What are your favourite go to Brands?

The (now vintage) St. Michael brand. The quality is guaranteed and my growing collection covers decades from the 1950’s through to the 1990’s. Following closely behind are vintage Laura Ashley and Phool for their beautiful dresses and blouses. I love supporting independents brands too. Beyond Nine and Naked Generation are my favourites as they suit my easy, minimal fuss dressing.

What's your weekend style?

My weekends of partying are long gone so my style is very casual. One day is usually spent in scruffs for all the chores and the other I'll be out for a walk or bike ride, so dungarees or a vintage blazer are invariably involved.


How has your style changed over the years?

It might be an age thing but over the last couple of years I’d say I’ve grown in confidence to wear what I want to wear rather than follow trends, especially with my new love of vintage clothes. I’ve also noticed, because I no longer have to wear a corporate wardrobe, my go to colour has changed from black to blues.

What's your most treasured item?

A locket given to me by my then new boyfriend (now husband) in 1994. He tells me it was bought from Elizabeth Duke in Argos so pretty good for a cheaper piece of jewellery I’d say. He also bought me Victorian earrings for my 40th birthday. For sentimental reasons I've kept a watch which belonged to my Nanna even though the strap is broken.

Signature Scent?

I dislike anything heavy these days so currently I’m wearing Molton Brown Orange & Bergamot Eau de Toilette. In contrast, in the 1990’s I was a huge fan of Guerlain Samsara.

Song on repeat?

I love to immerse myself in music - I'm a true rock chic at heart. I've been a fan of KISS since I was 16 and one of their oldest songs 'Black Diamond' is one of my all time favourites. It's a song I'll play over and over. My claim to fame is that I met Gene Simmons whilst he was in Lowestoft filming Rock School. He was charming and didn't seem to mind that I lost all power of speech around him! Generally though, my music tastes are very eclectic and as I'm writing this I'm listening to the Eurovision song entries, which I've been playing on repeat since the contest!

Must read book?

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a heart breaking yet heart warming must read.

What's on your bedside table?

A vintage bell alarm clock (the ticking of the clock is extremely relaxing), a jewellery box, nail varnish and three books - which somehow I’m reading all at the same time!

Whose wardrobe do you covet?

Actress Michelle Williams is my absolute style (and hair) crush. Whether she’s at an awards ceremony (that yellow dress at the 2006 Oscars!) or day to day she always gets it right. Followed closely by Jenna Coleman and Naomi Watts.

Jane & Hannah x

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